3d New England FAQ
Where do the girls’ teams practice?
Girls Youth & High School – Fall and Spring practices are at Pingree School, Summer at Medford High
School, and Winter in Middleton.
What seasons do the teams play?
Boys High School – Fall, Winter, Summer, with tournaments being played in November, June & July.
Tryouts are at the end of July for the following year.
Boys Youth – Teams play year-round! Fall & Summer are our tournament seasons. Winter is our Box
lacrosse and indoor skills season. Spring we play in the New England Club lacrosse league.
Girls High School – Fall, Winter & Summer with tournaments in November, June & July. Fall practices
are once a week (Sunday), winter is 1-2 times per week (T/TH), and summer is two times per
week(M/W). Tournaments do include out of region travel.
Girls Youth –Teams play year-round! Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer with tournaments in October,
November, June & July. Fall practices are once a week (Sunday), winter is 1-2 times per week (T/TH),
spring practices are once a week (Saturday) and summer is two times per week(M/W).
What is the age verification stands?
Boys Youth - Youth teams will be age-verified based on the US Lacrosse age-verification guidelines.
Girls – There is currently no age verification for girl’s tournaments, although we ask that you play with
your age-appropriate grad year throughout our program unless discussed with the girl’s manager.
When are tryouts?
2025-2026 3d New England Boys Tryout Registration- 3d Lacrosse - New England
Tryouts for the 2025-26 season will be July 21st-24th
2025-2026 3d New England Girls Tryout Registration - 3d Lacrosse - New England
Youth Girls (2030-2034) – July 14th AND July 16th from 6-7:30 PM
High School Girls (2027-2029) – July 23rd from 6-9 PM
What happens if my child can’t make tryouts?
Boys Youth – Please reach out to Ryan Caley (rcaley@3dlacrosse.com) to set up an evaluation!
Boys High School – Please reach out to Matt Hudson (mhudson@3dlacrosse.com) to set up an
Girls High School – Please reach out to Kyra Schwartzman (kschwartzman@3dlacrosse.com) to set up an
Girls Youth- Please reach out to Sophia Guerriero (sguerriero@3dlacrosse.com) to set up an evaluation!
How can I learn more about the program?
Boys Youth – Please reach out to Ryan Caley (rcaley@3dlacrosse.com)
Boys High School – Please reach out to Matt Hudson (mhudson@3dlacrosse.com)
Girls High School – Please reach out to Kyra Schwartzman (kschwartzman@3dlacrosse.com)
Youth Girls- Please reach out to Sophia Guerriero (sguerriero@3dlacrosse.com)